Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Running has never been fun for me. I was a swimmer growing up. Cross training was not my idea of fun. In fact, I usually found a meeting to attend on those days {read: skip practice}. The only thing worse than running was showing up to practice late without a good reason and doing push ups until your arms fell off.

So when I decided to get back in shape, running was not even close to being on my radar. I wanted to do anything but run. Due to living in a small town without a pool, I was all but forced to try hitting the pavement.

Starting was rough. I tried a couch to 5k program. It was great for starters, bu a little daunting for the long-term. Instead I started to do my own program. I walk to the end of our street, turn the corner, and begin to run. I've been going for about 2 miles, twice a week. Not enough, I know. It will come eventually. For now, I make short term goals to get me through the runs. If I can make it 5 more houses. No, to the end of this street. Around the bend, etc. It works for now.

A long term goal has been to participate in a 5k. I need to pick up the training if I want to get there by the spring (the deadline I gave myself). I use a Nike+ on my iPod to track times/runs. Still working on how to upload everything onto the computer to track runs.

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