Thursday, June 17, 2010

What a Difference a Month Makes...

Wow, it has almost been a month since my last post! I guess I get the slacker blogger award. Anyways, we've had a TON happen within the past month. Hubs got a new job, we're in contract with a house, I'm in the process of getting a new job near the town we're moving to, packed and then unpacked our apartment, and spent some time with family. Too much to take in? Yeah, it is for me too.

Right now we're trying to get everything finished around our apartment so the movers (which we just found out that we get!) can pack everything and we're good to move out. It's amazing how much we've accumulated over 3 years. Don't believe me? We've taken no less than 10 bags to Goodwill, plus had a local mission take away some of our old, unwanted furniture.

We're also figuring out the timing of me leaving my job and moving. Hubs will start in the new town at the beginning of July, but it's not a possibility for me at the moment for many reasons.

I have faith that everything will get's just a matter of when and on my time line.

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