His Point-of-View (written by Her because he does not 'get the whole blog thing'):He came up with the idea for this blog. His thought was that since I read blogs, I should start one so people can find out about their readers. He even came up with the name and idea. It was like his and hers towels. This was before we coincidentally moved into our house that has his and hers closets in the master and his and hers vanities in the master bath. He even commented that this house, his top choice, was meant to be because it goes along with the blog name/identity.
You see, He is the most laid back person that I have ever met. He is an extremely likable person that makes friends with ease. He's a person magnet. Get the point? It's easy for Him to put himself out there, and he really does not care what other people think. His philosophy is to try his best at everything, and what goes around comes around. If he does his best, then it will eventually catch up to him. It works for the most part.
Keep in mind that he usually says tough information while playing XBox, shrugs his shoulders, and moves on with life. He's like this during arguments as well. Cool as a cucumber.
Her Point-of-View:I have been a religious reader of blogs for awhile, but unwilling to put myself out there. I'm worried about what everyone thinks about me too much sometimes. Do you blame me? Any girl that has been through middle school and has lived to tell the tale can attest to how mean people can be. Especially other girls. It's even worse when people don't have to say it to your face. It used to be through passing notes. Now it's text messages, on facebook, and blog comments. It has not happened to me via the blog, yet. Probably because I have not advertised this blog to a single person therefore not having a single comment. Maybe I'll be more willing to put myself out there one day. Maybe girls will learn to be nicer to one another some day.
I'm not so quick to put myself out there. I am outgoing, but do not reveal information to quickly. I don't have the confidence that He does. I'm constantly trying my best, but always feel like there is someone that is SO much better than I am at everything. I have a tough time seeing my strengths and using them to my advantage. I'm constantly anxious. I also get heated during arguments and worked up really easily. I'm competitive and love to win. At everything.
The result:
He won with getting the blog started, even though he still thinks it's silly to write about your life on the internet.
Him -1
Her -0
But, who is keeping score? ;)